Saturday, December 29, 2012


A "brief" story of the birth of our newest baby girl:  On Tuesday, December 11th, 2012, at approximately 6pm, I decided that I should call my midwife for a heads-up as the Braxton-Hicks contractions I was having were feeling a bit stronger than usual.  I had no clue 10 minutes earlier when my husband got home from work, and as I stood in the kitchen making dinner, that I was about to go into labour.  At around 6:20pm, I knew for sure it was labour - contractions were very painful and strong and not very far apart.  My husband began filling our birth pool with hot water, and I made a couple of other phone calls.  That afternoon, incidentally, I had decided it was a good time to ensure everything was in order for the birth - there were just a few more things I had to put in my birth supply basket, and I set up the video camera in a good spot, made sure there were candles everywhere, made sure my birth playlist was ready, etc.  Strange how the universe works sometimes!  Something was telling me I better get prepared!

At around 7:35pm, I was labouring in the tub, and contractions were coming on STRONG and only about a minute and a half (or less) apart. Our midwife was coming from Victoria, and since she wasn't there yet, I decided I should see where I was at with my labour.  I was shocked to find that the head was right there and was about to crown!  For a few sweet seconds the pain disappeared and there was only excitement... then another contraction came.  Our midwife arrived a few minutes later, but my husband and I basically delivered the baby ourselves.  :)  She got there in time to check the water temp and tell me that we had to get more hot water in the pool or I'd have to get out and deliver on the bed... and I begged for more hot water because I wanted a water birth so badly!  Didn't matter though... because the next contraction sent the baby flying!  I was in such shock because it happened SO quickly!  Out baby came at 7:44pm, a mere 3 minutes after our midwife got there!

I believe my husband got to do the honours of finding out she was a girl.  I sat in the pool with baby in my arms for about 5 minutes before we found out.  My husband rocks - he had had a pretty bad day at work, but I didn't know it because I went into labour about 10 minutes after he got home. He made sure he did everything he could to make this the birth experience I really wanted.  He was running around making sure the kids were ok, making sure my birth plan was covered, making sure I was ok and that I took sips of water in between contractions.  Even though we've done this three times before, I'm pretty sure it must have made him more nervous when he heard me say, "Oh my God, the head is like, RIGHT THERE!!" lol. But he never buckled under pressure, he just kept doing what he needed to do.  He cut the cord, as he did with our other three, and he got to find out what baby was first.

Little Hailey was born a healthy 7lb 4oz and 19" long, at 37w6d.  She came about a week earlier than I'd thought.  I knew she would be earlier than 40 weeks, as all my kids have been, and I knew she'd be fast, as all my kids have been (thank goodness!). Just not quite that soon and not quite that fast!  Not that I'm complaining! :)

We had two of my very good friends with us to help with labour, taking photos, and of course, looking after our other three kids.  They were all very excited to be there as baby was being born, and I have to say it was pretty awesome to have my kids there.

So without further adieu, here are some photos I took during our first two photo sessions at 8 days and 12 days new, as well as two or three from the birth (thanks to friends!).

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